Monday, February 23, 2015

DCeric's How to... Make Video Files for PSP From DVD Rips

On this episode I show you how to make video files for PSP from DVD rips.  This by far the best way to make video files for PSP and has a success rate of 100% for me at least.  I have tried other software for ripping DVD's and converting them is where all the problems begin.  But Make MKV gives you a perfect DVD rip each time in MKV format.  From there we can convert the MKV into a MP4 that works with your PSP.

Software Needed:

Make MKV: (DVD and Blu-Ray Ripper)

Format Factory: (Video Converter)


  1. mighty eric im ryuken u did a amazing video

    1. Thanks buddy glad you enjoyed the video. I hope to have more available soon.


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