I have tested captures using different software and all the MP4's playback fine. For some reason anything I capture from Avermedia Recentral has this problem. Sometimes they play fine and sometimes they don't. Just want to know if anybody else has had these problems and know what the solution is? I have converted the captured videos and they work fine but I want them to work out of the box.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Vegas Pro 14 Black Screen Fix (PC)
So today I decided to open up Magix Vegas Pro 14 and seen that I can't preview my work in the small screen in the upper right. Yeah its black and for some reason won't display. Found out it had something to do with the video driver and there is a simple fix that worked for me.
Anyways lets open up Vegas Pro 14 and select preferences under options.
Now click on the video tab
Now to the right of GPU acceleration of video processing select Off and restart
Now once you restart you'll notice you have the preview back. This will slow things down and for some the next step may or may not work so you can stick without having GPU acceleration or skip ahead and read the preview for another possible solution. Anyways what we want to do next is open the preferences again go to video tab and select the video card again for GPU Acceleration. For me the card will be the Geforce GTX 770 but for you it maybe different.
Click ok and restart. Now for most this may work and for those who couldn't get it to work try rolling back your drivers. The issue maybe that installing new drivers will cause this problem so you might have to do this for each new driver installed.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
DCeric Shows Off: Sonic Adventure 2 10th Birthday Pack (Dreamcast)
Today I show you Sonic Adventure 2 10th Birthday Pack for the Sega Dreamcast only released in Japan.
You can grab this game and many other imports from Rodolfo on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/rodolfo.fusco
You can grab this game and many other imports from Rodolfo on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/rodolfo.fusco
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Sega GT Fix For Windows 10 (PC)
Here is a fix a lot of you are probably looking for. The game has issues with sound on later versions of Windows so this fix may not just be for Windows 10 but anywhere from Windows Vista Up. So I have found that all the sounds exist there might be a few that aren't like at the beginning of the race you can't hear the car revving up. Also the main menu sound is all there however exiting from a race the main menu sound disappears.
So lets begin the tutorial:
So first up were going to want to install the game. Make sure you install the game directly on the C: it may work in the program files x86 folder it may not so give it a try but I have it installed directly on the C:.
Once you have the game installed on your computer go to the folder and delete the two ".avi" files. They aren't too important anyways its just the "Activision" logo video and then a Sega GT intro video. If you want to watch them anyways you can rename the files and watch them with your favorite video player.
Okay well that's it for this tutorial the game should now be playable to its full content.
Sunday, March 25, 2018
How to Fix Stutters and Lag in Classic Codemasters Racing Games (PC)
Here is a fix for some classic Codemasters racing games including Grid, Grid 2 and others. Do note that this isn't a fix for Dirt 1 that game has some odd issues for multiple core cpus. If your having issues with slowdowns, stuttering and lag its not cause your computer sucks its cause of a feature in the games that needs to use the hard drive for replays. So here is a really simple fix. What were going to want to do is go to our C:\Programdata folder. Then look for Codemasters and in there should be a few of your favorite racing games.
So I'm going to use this as an example but Grid should be in there. So what were going to want to do is go to C:\ProgramData\Codemasters\GRID\DataCache\YourUsernameHere\replay. In there should be a file called replay.pbf. Now what were going to want to do is right click on that and go to properties. In there at the bottom check mark "read-only" and press OK. Now all your going to want to do to fix the other games in your collection is go to there \DataCache\YourUsernameHere\replay folder and do the same thing.
Now if you don't have a replay.pbf file in there all your going to want to do is open Notepad. So once you opened up Notepad go to save as and open your \DataCache\YourUsernameHere\replay folder for whatever Codemasters game your doing. Remember to click on "all files" and save the document as replay.pbf. Go to the \DataCache\YourUsernameHere\replay folder you saved the file in and right click on it, go to properties and click on "read-only" then press OK.
Done now you don't have to worry about the stuttering, slow downs and lag. Have fun playing your Codemasters racing classics.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Best Way To Install Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition with VMware Workstation Player (PC)
I had a few problems trying to get Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition to install on Virtual Box. So instead what I used was VMware Workstation Player which is available for free from VMware Workstation Player. Also it can be used for free if used for non commercial reasons so you can use it for many years without a license.
Okay so now for the next step were going to want to "create a new virtual machine" with disk 1 of 3 of the Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition. Instead of selecting for easy install which might bug up the install were going to take the more advanced step and select "I will install the operating system later". Of course doing this will allow us to install the operating system like we would on a normal computer. I believe the easy install will detect the disk as Windows XP Pro like Virtual Box and use Disk 1 and the Service Pack 2 or 3 disks and not use Disk 2 which will have all the essential software.
So open the operating system up go for the install and set it up like you normally would and don't forget to use your special serial key. I will not show you where to get a serial key you can do that on your own.
After you have the operating system installed you should now be able to boot it up like you used to having all the essential software including Media Center. Also you'll need to activate the operating system using this hack available from this link How To Activate Windows XP. After you have done so now you can use your Windows XP Media Center 2005 Edition with no problems.
Friday, March 16, 2018
How to Restore Backed Up Origin Games (PC)
For those of you who want to restore your backed up Origin games its pretty simple. What your going to want to do is open Origin and begin downloading the game you have backed up for about 10secs. Once you have let the download go for about 10secs close Origin. Now locate where you have your previously downloaded games backed up to. Right click on the folder of the game and select copy and then paste it into the "Origin Games" folder that is currently assigned to your Origin which should already contain a folder with the same name as the backed up game. Once pasting into that folder it will ask to replace over any of the files and you'll want to select yes.
Then finally open Origin and the game that you had selected to download will now begin to verify the files. Once verifying has completed which takes a bit of time it'll then become available to play. Now remember each time you do this to let the game download for at least 10secs and make sure the program is closed before copying any files over.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
PowerDVD 17 Ultra Support for Fox Blu-Ray's
If some of you are having issues getting some older Fox Blu-Ray's working with PowerDVD 17 Ultra there is a fix.
Download this >>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/p86gydx0n30dojl/PDVD_RedCard_Patch-1519615738911.zip?dl=0 "close the login and begin to download"
Open the file with 7zip or any other compression software. Drag the two files to where you installed PowerDVD 17 Ultra.
To get an old Fox Blu-Ray to work right click on WorkaroundRedCard.bat and "open as administrator".
After you are done watching a Fox Blu-Ray right click on BackToOriginalBehaviour.bat and again "open as administrator" in order to watch other Blu-Rays again.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Turning off Vertical Sync for RetroPie (Input Lag Fix)
For those of you who have a Raspberry Pi Zero or regular Raspberry Pi this maybe of help to you. I am unsure if there is any issues with Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 with input lag however there is a lot of lag on the older versions. I found that if turning off vertical sync you will get a better button response and games are a lot more playable.
So to begin make sure you have SAMBA setup or are using SH. For this I am using SAMBA so if your an SH user then this maybe not of any help to you unless you already know what to do.
Anyways from Windows open RetropPie from a windows explorer going to network and click on the RetroPie icon that should be there if you have a network connection setup. Put in your username which is "Pi" without quotes and password "raspberry" again without quotes.
Now you should see folders and were going to want to open "\\RETROPIE\configs\all". Then your going to want to open retroarch.cfg with Notepad++ and do not edit with Windows Notepad. You can grab Notepad++ from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/.
Now that you installed Notepad++ and have retroarch.cfg opened your going to want to find line "163". There you will find vertical_sync = true and were going to want to change that to false. Once you have done that click the floppy icon to save and close Notepad++.
You have now disabled vertical sync within RetroPie and do note that you may see some tiny but very unnoticeable screen tearing it's not even a bother for a lot of the games I've played. So now that you have done this enjoy playing your games the way they were meant to be.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Windows 10 Start Menu Flickering Fix
If you have the problem displayed in the video which was created by Danila Syrtsov there is a simple fix. We are going to want to make a cool batch file which we can open that restarts the explorer. Do note that restarting the explorer can close some open file explorers when you open the batch file and may interrupt copying, moving and deleting files. Okay so all were going to want to do is open note pad and copy the following.
taskkill /f /IM explorer.exe
Start explorer.exe
Then all we want to do is save the file as explorer.bat but make sure before doing so that "all files" is selected at the bottom cause if you don't it will probably save as restart explorer.bat.txt and we don't want that. Make sure to save to desktop for easy access.
Okay so once that is complete make sure you aren't doing any work and give that batch file a test. You will see the screen go completely blank and then restart itself. I want to thank my friend Chris Fleet for giving me this idea. Its easy to open the task manager and close it but the batch file makes it even easier and more helpful. Now that you have this cool little tool you can fix the start menu from flickering.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
NBA Hangtime (Windows 10 Framerate Fix)
Here is another game that needs a simple fix. If you have the game installed it might play out of the box but I found the framerate was very slow making it feel very unplayable. Once again this fix uses the Windows Compatibility Toolkit so grab that using Google as there is many versions.
So the only thing you need to do in Windows Compatibility Kit 32 is add these features on the first page.
Once you have added these skip the next page and click auto generate then next. Go to save and install and your ready to play the game in higher framerates.