Thursday, March 31, 2016

DCeric Plays: Fruity (PC)


Today on DCeric Plays I play Fruity for Windows PC.

Fruity is available at:

Dreamcast Homebrew Games available at:

Sorry if there is any issues with the audio

Monday, March 21, 2016

Sleepyhead Unapproved Ebay Sale

Mean while this isn't completely illegal I do find the price to be a bit to much.  This software being sold is actually available for free on the internet. The software is called Sleepyhead by Mark Watkins. By no means was the author of this software notified about this ad.  If you suffer from Sleep Apnea everybody wants that quick fix and usually end up having to spend a lot of money.  My reasoning for posting this is support of the developer who isn't even making money off the sale and of course to save you from spending your money on this. In AU it costs $49.50 and in Canadian this will cost you $65.34 and the shipping will cost you $13.07.  Once again the author of this software has nothing to do with the listing so stay away.

If you want to put in a complaint to the listing you can visit the listing here:
Sleepyhead Ebay Listing

If you'd like to get the software completely free its available at Mark Watkins website here:

Saturday, March 19, 2016

DCeric Plays: Roblox, Puffle Gymnastic (Glitches)

Played Roblox with my buddy Darrell and his nephew.  Pretty fun game when you just want to mess around and find glitches.  So in the Puffle Gymnastic game we had found you can do some pretty funny stuff.  Check out the video for more information.

You can play Roblox for free and create your own stuff.  Its got a bunch of user created games to play.

Check it out at 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

DCeric Plays: Space Moth DX (PC)


Today I did a short video of Space Moth DX for Windows PC available on Steam.

Available at: