Monday, June 29, 2015

The DCeric Show GAMEPLAY: Twisted Metal (Playstation 3 2012)

Here is a game preview of Twisted Metal released for the PS3.  I believe this was around the time of launch for the game as well as when I got my Hauppauge HD PVR.

Dreamcast SD Compatible: SDL Scavenger

Now available and working for Dreamcast SD Adapter SDL Scavenger

You can get the game from the following link:

Dreamcast SD Compatible: Neverball

Now available and working for Dreamcast SD Adapter Neverball

You can get the download at the following link:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Invaders ! Possibly From Space (Windows PC)

A Futurama inspired Invaders game. The idea came from the Futurama episode "Anthology of Interest II".

You can get the game at:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Super Tux (Windows, Linux PC)

(This version of the game is updated with redone graphics)

What we have here is a Super Mario Brothers clone called Super Tux. It uses the mascot of Linux and you have to save your girl from an evil villian. Collect coins use power ups to complete the game.

You can get the game at:

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The DCeric Show Internet Games: Meat Boy (Web Flash Games)

Here is a preview of Meat Boy and Internet Flash game which has since made a sequel for a variety of systems under the name Super Meat Boy.  This game of course is highly popular and if you'd like to check it out for yourself then click the link below:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Winglancer (Windows PC)

Here is a preview of another awesome shmup arcade game called Winglancer  for Windows PC.  This game pays homage to the arcade classics were used to.

You can get the game for free at the following link:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Friking Shark (Windows PC)

Here is a preview of a highly unnoticed game called Friking Shark which is a clone of an arcade classic called Flying Shark by Taito.  The game is still in Beta however its fully completed which means you should be able to complete this game.  There may still be bugs to watch out for so be prepared for that.

You can check out Friking Shark for Windows PC at the following link:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Nitronic Rush (Windows PC)

Here is another awesome preview this time for a full game which is completely free.  That of course is Nitronic Rush which is a highly futuristic racing game which features a new way of racing.  This game is a very popular title and now is in the works for a sequel so prepare for that.

You can get the following game for Windows PC at:

The DCeric Show Demos: The Darkness II (Windows PC)

Here is a preview of The Darkness II demo for Windows PC.  I find it kind of funny the released the sequel for PC but they didn't even release the first.  So to really enjoy the story I would recommend playing The Darkness for Xbox 360 or PS3.  This of course is a rather old video I had done.  A lot of people disliked this title compared to the first game cause it plays a lot different.

If you like what you see then  you can grab the demo or full version for Windows PC at the following link:

Friday, June 26, 2015

The DCeric Show Free Games: Neverball (Windows, Linux PC)

The Super Monkey Ball series was never released on PC but there was a simple solution and fix for the gaming community and that was Neverball.  Of course Neverball will never be as good as Super Monkey Ball but its still a really decent game.  The game includes a level editor so people can make their own levels and it seems to be a really big hit to people who play this game.

You can grab Neverball for Windows PC at the following link:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Super TuxKart (Windows, Linux PC)

Long before the Sonic All-Stars Racing series of games there wasn't anything to enjoyable for kart racers other then Wacky Wheels which was released in the 90's.  However the great open source community gave us more hope with Super Tux Kart for Windows PC, Linux and other OS's.  Since the release of this video there has been big upgrades to the game so you should check it out at the following link:

The DCeric Show Free Games: Cho Ren Sha 68K (Windows PC)

In this Game Play video I show you Cho Ren Sha 68k.  This game is one of the greats and is availably for free.  The SHMUP community calls this the big one!

You can get the game from the follow link:

The DCeric Show Internet Games: Flee Buster (Web Flash Games)

Here is another interesting Game Play video for another awesome Flash game called Flee Buster.  This looks like an interesting game that could have turned into a indie game on console and steam.

You can check out the game at the following link the link displayed in the video no longer works:

The DCeric Show Internet Games: Super Mario Bros Crossover (WEB Flash Ga...

Here is another Game Play video of Super Mario Bros Crossover.  This is another hit flash game on the web and if I'm correct there is a sequel.

You can play the game the following link:

Thursday, June 25, 2015

DCeric Preview: Android x86 for Laptop

Just wanted to show you guys Android x86 running on my Laptop. I know I don't look good but its not about that its about product. I hope you enjoy what you see and if you'd like to try it out check the link below.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The DCeric Show Internet Games: Abobos Big Adventure (Web Flash Games)

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Abobo's Big Adventure.  This game was released as a web flash game and has been a pretty popular game since its release and has a cult following.

You can  download or play the game at the following link:

The DCeric Show PC Benchmark: Unigine Tropics Demo v1.3 (Windows PC)

Once again another Benchmark test video being used under The DCeric Show name.  This time I am using Unigine's Tropics demo v1.3.

You can grab it from:

Game Reviewify Classics: Unigine Heaven Benchmark (Windows PC)

This isn't really a review but its under the Game Reviewify name.  I did a benchmark for my computer a few years back using this awesome benchmark tool from Unigine called Heaven Benchmark.

You can grab this benchmark tool and others at the following link:

Game Reviewify Classics: Magnetis (Windows PC)

One this episode of Game Reviewify we reviewify Magnetis for Windows PC.  This game is an interesting puzzler that adds something new to the genre. Its pretty cheap on steam now a days and definitely one to check out.

You can find Magnetis a the following link for Windows PC:

Game Reviewify Classics: Dirt 2 (Windows PC)

On this episode of Game Reviewify we reviewify Dirt 2 for Windows PC.  Yes since its release there has been three Dirt games released which include Dirt 3, Dirt Showdown and Dirt Rally.  I had played the first Dirt which was pretty amazing and played like a lot of classic Rally racers.  Then of course Dirt 2 comes out and its not to bad but a lot of people complained about using real Rally Racers in the game.  That got fixed in Dirt 3 however they added Gymkhana and that got a black lash in that game.  Then of course Dirt Showdown got released to tell players that Gymkhana will be a spin-off series hense the release of Dirt Showdown.  Then Dirt Rally got released however its in its early stages and I don't have much information on this but its supposed be like the first game without Gymkhana and the usage of real Rally Racer influences in the game.

You can grab Dirt 2 at the following link for Windows PC and console:

Game Reviewify Classics: Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Windows PC)

On this episode of Game Reviewify I review Test Drive Unlimited 2 for Windows PC.  I know I said I enjoyed the game and to this day I still think its pretty good however yes there is a lot better games then this.  Of course even racers at that time period would kill this game.  I haven't played this game much since the review which kind of clarifies my point of view at this date and time.  However its good to give a go of you want to check out the awesome multiplayer community.

You can get this for Windows PC at the following link:

Sqrxz 3 Trailer (Dreamcast SD Version)

Sqrxz 3 was released for a variety of consoles, computers and released for the Sega Dreamcast with SD Card support.

You can get the game at the following link:

ISO Make is available at:

Game Reviewify Classics: Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days (Windows PC)

On this episode of Game Reviewify I show you Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days for Windows PC.  Of course the first game didn't fare to well to anyone in the gaming community however the sequel did a lot to gain more followers its just a shame the game was very short.

You can get Kane and Lynch 2 Dog Days for Windows PC at the following link:

Game Reviewify Classics: Bejewelled 3 (Windows PC)

On this episode of Game Reviewify I review Bejeweled 3 for Windows PC.  3 games later and this game is still as addictive as ever.

You can find Bejeweled 3 for Windows PC at the following link:

Game Reviewify Classics: Street Fighter IV (Windows PC)

On this episode of Game Reviewify I show you Street Fighter IV for Windows PC.  Of course this video was done long before the release of Super Street Fighter IV and as explained in the video I was a bit disappointed that consoles got Super Street Fighter IV and PC gamers didn't until a few years later.

You can grab Street Fighter IV or perhaps Super Street Fighter IV for Windows PC at the following link:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Android Isn't As Stable As I Thought

Alright i'm sure you guys had seen my post about Android x86 and how hyped I was about it. Today I don't feel as hyped as I ran into a problem which I can't even identify at this moment. I do have a few suggestions of what could have caused it to happen but they aren't even really definite ideas. I guess at this point I can't really say the OS stable enough to keep as a daily machine and I may have to go through some more tests just to see what the issue actually is.

Anyways I'm sure you all are dying to know what the problem was. Well you see that screenshot above well of course that won't show any definitive problem. But the actual problem is it won't get passed that screen and I was forced to reinstall the OS. Now of course this could be related to a few things. I had adblock installed on the OS which I use on web browsers so I don't see the ads on my blog so I don't run into any issues where I accidentally press one and get into loads of crap.

Well Adblock doesn't work to well with Android x86 and who knows if the software is buggy with other Android equipment. What ends up happening is web pages will no longer load and I guess the software just doesn't work. I ended up having to uninstall Adblock and everything worked again.

Next up I thought I'd give Kodi a try and while hardware encoding doesn't work and makes the software completely crash setting it to software encoding seems to solve the problem indefinitely. So of course I was able to watch a few things before passing out and going to sleep. Of course we know what happens when I wake up.

One other issue is the keyboard I'm using has a busted USB cable so at times it doesn't get read properly by the system. What ended up happening at boot it kept looping through trying to boot through the keyboard option. Of course I couldn't get to the logo or login. Rebooted the laptop and was finally presented with the Android logo which wouldn't boot to the login. I even tried pulling all devices out of the laptop to see if it was related to that and it wouldn't work.

I had also tested a command which was requested by Android x86 users. Change the following command from "androidboot.hardware=android_x86" to "androidboot.hardware=x86". However that didn't solve the problem either.

So all and all yes its not completely stable so be careful messing around with the operating system and time to do some more tests.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Game Reviewify Classics: Spiderman and Venum Maximum Carnage (Super Nint...

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Spiderman and Venom Maximum Carnage for the Super Nintendo.  To me this is hilarious considering Acclaim has been known for making bad games and Spiderman hasn't had a good game since the 90's.  Anyway's the Spiderman series has spawned sequels and spin off's for many consoles but the classics will forever been known.

Spiderman and Venom Maximum Carnage is available at the following link:

Android x86 on my Laptop

So for the longest time I have been waiting to take advantage of another OS one that of course has been made available thanks to the Open Source community brought to you by Chih-Wei Huang and his amazing team of engineers.  Of course the operating system does come with a lot of bugs and that is to be expected considering the OS is still in its early stages and is being ported from Android Tablets and Android Mobile Phones.

Of course the main issue here is that the operating system is being installed on a different architectural product that runs completely different then your average Android product. Some of the problems are that newer games have graphics that don't function properly cause perhaps that part hasn't been implemented yet or may work on different laptops.  This of course has happened with games like Beach Buggy Blitz where most of the textures were blacked out which of course made the game unplayable.

(Beach Buggy Blitz screenshot)
Of course you'll find other games look like they will work cause everything is intact except of course the mouse and keyboard controls which then make the games completely unplayable because they don't work at all.  Games like Temple Run 1 & 2, Paper Monsters, Sonic Dash and a few other select games have this issue.  Its quite sad cause everything is there and the games look like they would run at a decent framerate.  This I believe has been an issue with every release of the Android x86 system so far.  But hopefully with future progress of that issue will be fixed.

(Sonic Dash screenshot)

So as far as gaming goes there is still a few things that need work but progress is looking good for future use when demand for an easy on the go OS like Android will become more useful for people to use on their laptops or computers.  As far as the system goes it runs pretty good pretty much all apps that have come with the OS out of the box.  Sometimes an app may crash or the operating system itself will crash but this doesn't happen all the time.  Crashes seemed to happen for me when I tried to change the volume during game play and that would either crash the game or the system itself.

But needless to say that is pretty much the only time that had happened.  But again some apps aren't compatible with the OS and may crash.  Sometimes even though all graphics are in place there is artifacts now I'm not sure if this is related to over heating but something tells me its just an issue with the OS compatibility at this point of time.  I currently I don't have a screenshot of a game to show you this problem and can't remember any of the games that had the problem but this has happened to about 3 games I downloaded.

So as far as other hardware complaints the webcam seems to work but its upside down so that doesn't really make it good for a Skype conversation.

(a picture of myself with my awesome upside down webcam)

The mic works very horrible and I'm not sure if its cause the mic that is part of the machine is bad or its just badly implemented in the OS itself.  I did come across a small issue today where when I used the Chrome web browser flash crashed the web browser during flash game play.  I hadn't tested Youtube within the web browser to see if Flash is the full out issue or it was just the gameplay.  As for things like Facebook, Twitter etc. it works fine.

While some of the most advanced features may not be fully implemented for a web browsing experience you can get apps from Google Play that will solve that problem.  Apps for Facebook, Messaging services, Youtube etc. will solve the problem none the less.

There is of course one other issue and of course anybody that knows Android well enough some apps require being used vertically.  By that I mean the display for the game or app will be displayed vertical and the only way you can play is have your head tilted.  But of course there is some apps though available on Google Play that solve the issue for some games and apps while other games and apps it still doesn't fully solve the problem.

(Striker 1945 vertical gameplay using a screen orientation app)

One of the games I believe it worked for was one of the Striker 1945 games.  The reason why I believe it worked for that game is when you play the game in fullscreen it only takes advantage of the 4:3 layout of the screen.  Where that basically tells me the game when run in vertical view takes advantage of the fullscreen.  Now where games aren't completely compatible with the screen orientation they either ignore the option and go into vertical anyway's or gets so squished in widescreen you can't use any of the options to play the game.

Well with that being said that operating system I still think is great for people who need something small and want to have a little bit of their own "ME" time.  I'm simply amazed and enjoy the operating system even though there is the bugs I had mentioned.  Its still a pretty stable OS and should get better for future use.  If of course your not as advanced as me for installing an operating system you can download Bluestacks which is a Android emulator and will allow you to play tons of apps and games with little to no problems unlike the Android x86 OS.  But of course to enjoy Bluestacks fully you have to pay some money where Android x86 is completely free and for future usage should remain free for its lifetime. 

Now I will leave you with a few games that I had got working.  This of course isn't a full list there is tons of other awesome games but I don't have screenshots for them.  Anyway's for the games that do work they include Jetpack Joyride and Tom Hall's Cooking Dash 2016.  I will only say that Jetpack Joyride had one issue and that is when Google Play sign-in features get prompted it slows things down but that only happens at the beginning of the game so for the rest of the game it totally works out like it does on any Android product.  Cooking Dash 2016 I had no issue at all it plays flawlessly.

(Jetpack Joyride running on Android x86)

(Cooking Dash 2016 running on Android x86)

For those of you who want to give the operating system a spin and test it out on your laptop give it a go but hey don't blame me if it messes up your system read the documents and get some information which also located at the following site:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Game Reviewify Classic: Welcoming the Dreamcast SD Adapter

This was one of my favourite videos I did for the Sega Dreamcast which was kind of a trailer and introduction to the SD Adapter for the system.  The video was released on Game Reviewify then re-released the DCeric channel.  A lot of people have been having issues trying to find the SD Adapter but if you search real hard on Google you might be lucky.

Game Reviewify Classics: Jetmoto 2 (Playstation)

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Jet Moto 2 for the PSone.  Jet Moto 2 is bar far one of the greatest Jet Moto games in the series.  The only thing I think that sucks is that competition mode was removed and the greatest hits version only contains 4 players instead of 8 from the original Jet Moto 2.  Jet Moto 1 contains I believe 16 players in a race but I don't think it was that important.  Jet Moto 2 contains new tracks as well as all the tracks from Jet Moto 1 so you get a trilogy in one game pretty much.  Jet Moto 3 was then released and I didn't enjoy it the first time I played it but maybe my perception of the game might change at this point.... I don't know.

You can grab Jet Moto 2, Jet Moto and Jet Moto 3 from the following link and you can get the games from PSN:

Friday, June 19, 2015

Game Reviewify Classics: Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing (Windows PC)

Here is an episode of Game Reviewify which was a show I did before The DCeric Show which was my early stages of game reviews.  Anyway's on this episode I show you Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing. This game put a new spin on the kart racing games and to me is the great of them all and it spawned an even better sequel.

You can find this game and its sequel at the following links:

The DCeric Show: Donkey Kong Country (Super Nintendo)

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Donkey Kong Country for the SNES.  This is one of my favourite games in my collection of 1000+ games.  I of course explain my story about the game and of course a lot of information as well.  This game of course has had lot of sequels and reprised itself on the Wii.

The game and its sequels can be found at:

The DCeric Show: Adventure Island (Nintendo Entertainment System)

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Adventure Island for the NES.  This game is the one that is remember in the series which was spawned from Wonder Boy. Adventure Island has had many sequels through the years.

Adventure Island and its sequels can be found at:

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The DCeric Show: Outrun (Sega Genesis)

On this episode of the The DCeric Show I show you the arcade classic of Outrun for the Sega Genesis.

You can find the game and its sequels at the following link:

The DCeric Show: Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2x (Xbox)

On this episode of The DCeric Show I show you Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2x for the Xbox.  This by far is one of the greatest Tony Hawk Pro Skater games.  This game contains both Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2 in one game with new HD textures.  Well I'd love to tell you more but the video will explain the rest.

You can find this game at the following link:

The DCeric Show: Shenmue (Dreamcast)

This is the third episode of The DCeric Show and in this episode I show you Shenmue for Dreamcast.  There is no better time for this to be spread out in the wild then now.  We of course just heard the recent news of Shenmue III and I did a review back in 2011 of Shenmue 1 for the Sega Dreamcast.  Hopefully at some point i'll be doing a video on Shenmue 2 for the Dreamcast.

You can find the first and second game at the following link and you can fund Shenmue III at its Kickstarter at the link below.

Shenmue III Kickstarter:

The DCeric Show: Twisted Metal 2 (Playstation)

Here is the second episode of The DCeric Show.  On this episode I show Twisted Metal 2 one of the greatest sequels of car war mayhem.

You can find Twisted Metal 2 as well as the first game and many other titles in the long running series at the following link:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Card Collection of the 90's

So I went through a card collection that I had as a young child from the 90's. I have lots of sports cards and lots of great ones but I didn't know I had gaming related cards as well as comic book related cards. Of course there is some pretty funny ones in there that as a child I only collected just to have them. I'm happy though that there is some Nintendo and WWF related ones in there. Anyways here is the collection enjoy them. The card above was the last one scanned I decided to throw in an old bookmark and an old Energizer magnet.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Unreal Engine 4 (demos)

I'm sure you have seen them scattered all across the web but incase you haven't here is some screenshots from the Unreal Engine demo's.  The reason why I did this was to see if my old Geforce 480 GTX could handle it.  The cave demo I got around 24 up to 50fps.  The rest were a lot better but as you can see from the photos the cave had a lot more flashy effects then what my 480 GTX could handle. Now if you like what you see you can get the demo's in one package from the following site.

Unreal 4 demo's:

Now here is some nice screenshots:

(Click screenshots to enlarge)

Monday, June 15, 2015

The DCeric Show: Super Mario All-Stars (Super Nintendo)

Here is the first episode of The DCeric Show.  Of course I did it on Super Mario All-Stars one of my games for the Super Nintendo.  This of course was in my early stages of video game reviews and sounds a little bad but still watchable.  The problem is that when using Audacity I didn't think about doing line per line instead I recorded a full show doing one line and that is why there is a few screw ups.  Well none the less its not that bad a lot of people seemed to have enjoyed it and I hope you do to.

The DCeric Show Trailer (Final)

Here is the final complete trailer for The DCeric Show.  At some point i'd love to do another episode but I'm confused at this point if it would be a good idea.  The concept and ideas used for the show were great but I just found with what I'm doing currently is pretty easy and a better way to show people more information.

The DCeric Show trailer

This was a prototype trailer for my show on Youtube.  The font makes everything and this obviously didn't make the cut :).

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Rocket Racer (BETA)

Rocket Racer was created for the Dreamcast by Trilinear.  It was only in beta and looked like it would have made a great commercial game for the Dreamcast if released.  This is a must download for any Dreamcast owner.

Download is available at:

Dreamshell and ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Grande

Grande was ported to the Dreamcast by  Its a clone of your famous retro shootem ups.

Download available at:

Dreamshell and ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Dynamate!

Dynamate was created by Jonas Norberg for the Sega Dreamcast.  Its a fun little puzzler that comes with a level editor.

Download available at:

Dreamshell and ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Digimine

Digimine is a Mine Sweeper clone created by Dreamcast Moe Project.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Circus Linux

DC Circus was ported to the Dreamcast by SDL GP32 which is a clone of an arcade game called Circus.

Dreamshell and ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Tux and Barrels

Tux and Barrels was ported to the Dreamcast by Bombshell in 2003.  This game is a clone of the original Donkey Kong.  I believe that this game is prone to freezing but not quite sure.

Download is available at:

Dreamshell and ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Warlord

Warlord was created by Nathan Whitehead for the Sega Dreamcast in 2002.  The game of course is a remake of Warlord for the Atari 2600. In this game its you vs 3 AI players.  This game I believe was supposed to have human vs human features added in a future release however a this point I don't think that is happening.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Shuffle

Shuffle was created by Snoozy and released for the Dreamcast in the early 2000's.  This is a simple puzzle game where you shuffle tiles to make a picture.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Trampalien Gunmen DC

Trampalien Gunmen was ported to the Dreamcast by the great Troy Davis and released in 2004.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Brkout

Brkout was created for the Sega Dreamcast by Jim Ursetto.  There is no stated year when this was created but I believe it was between 2001-2004.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Rick Dangerous

Xrick - Rick Dangerous was ported to the Dreamcast by Ian Michael (Reaper).  This is an older port and there is a better port available at  I will leave download links below for this version so you can see the differences.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: DC Blast

DC Blast was created by Evil Spork Man in 2002.  This game looks like a more sped up Space Invaders clone.  Not sure if this game was fully completed as the site lists it as WIP and at this point I would consider the project dead.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Catz N' Dogz

Catz N' Dogz was created by William Sams and is a tic tac toe type game using a dog and cat.  I can't remember what year this was released in but I believe it was in between 2002-2004 era.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Compatible: Sqrxz 2

Sqrxz 2 was created by the Retro Guru team for a variety of system which include the Dreamcast.

Download is available at:

ISO Make is available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Smash DC

Smash DC was created by Mr.Siggler for the Sega Dreamcast in 2002.  Its a classic and it was around this time people were messing around with the system as much as possible to see what could be made for the system.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Paratrooper

Paratrooper was ported to the Dreamcast by Indiket and is supported by both CD-Rom and the SD Adapter.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dreamcast SD Compatible: Snake

Snake has now been ported to the Sega Dreamcast by Indiket.  This game includes a 4 player mode as well as single player mode.  Sounds like a crazy game and you can find the downloads below.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: SDL Fighter

SDL Fighter is a retro style shmup ported to the Dreamcast by Indiket

Download is available at:

ISO Make is available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: PIXPANG

Pix Pang was ported to the Dreamcast by Pixel.  Its a clone of Pang.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Tunnel

Tunnel was written by Trevor Spiteri and ported to the Dreamcast by Indiket.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: NOIZ2SA

Noiz2sa is an abstract shootem up for the Sega Dreamcast and was ported by Chui.  If your a fan of the shmup genre then this is one game you'll want in your collection.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Mouse Trap

This fun and addictive game was ported to the Sega Dreamcast by Indiket and its called Mouse Trap.  No its not the traditional Mouse Trap board game we know and love but this is pretty fun none the less.  Get the white ball and dodge the red balls and get a highscore.

ISO Make available at:

Monday, June 8, 2015

Troy Re-released for Windows (update)

So I already posted this before but I had no clue he put the original Troy in the same location as Troy 2000.  James Saito made this for DOS back in 1996.  So the only other way to play this was using DOSbox. I made it so Dosbox is used as a front end but you won't have to do any commands.  You just open the game like any other Windows game or app and it will play as soon as you open it.  You can find the original Troy at the bottom of the page.

Troy for Windows features the following:

  • compatible with all versions of Windows 
  • compatible with the Xbox 360 controller
  • compatible with all monitors 
  • plays in 16:9 format but also should be compatible with 4:3
  • has a nice icon
Download is available at:

DCeric Play's: TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan (GB)

On this episode of DCeric Play's I do a full play through of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fall of the Foot Clan for the Gameboy.  This game was given to me by my good buddy Scott so I would like to send my thanks to him.

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Minigolf

Here is another rare title port by Wraggster for the Sega Dreamcast called Mini Golf and if you haven't guessed it the game a bird eyes view mini golf game.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

War outside my window

This was done a few years ago when I was learning how to use blue screen effects.  I decided it would be funny to have Asteroids playing in the sky outside my window.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Linux Shuffle Lander

Linux Shuffle Lander was ported to Dreamcast by Indiket.  In this game you have to land your shuttle safely on the planet.  For some reason its as difficult as Linux Lunar Lander where you have to guide your shuttle safely to earth but for some reason as seen in the video it never works out well for me. 

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Linux Lunar Lander

Linux Lunar Lander was ported to the Dreamcast by Indiket.  As you can see in the video I didn't make it safely to earth.  I don't know if this game is that hard but you have to make it to earth at a good and decent pace.

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Hidden Cosmos

Hidden Cosmo's was created by EnigmaticCoder for the Sega Dreamcast.  As you see its essentially a shmup that resembles Galaxian type of game play.

Download is available at:

ISO Make is available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Miss Driller

Miss Driller was first ported to the Sega Dreamcast by Ian Michael (Reaper) and got reported to the Dreamcast by Indiket (  There isn't any real differences between both versions but Indiket fixes some bugs and upgrades it to KOS2.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Sqrxz

Sqrxz was ported to the Sega Dreamcast by Indiket and created by team Retroguru.  Check out the video for classic platforming action and see if you have a chance of beating this game.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Graf Orlocks Bat Hunt

Here is an old Dreamcast homebrew game created by OneThirsty8 called Garf Orlock's Bathunt.  I guess for its time you could have called this interesting and if i'm correct this game is a little buggy and not really that exciting. In the game you have to grab 10 bats once completed game over. Apparently though things can get a little tough cause if your not quick these bats will destroy you.  I believe the reason why the developer created this was for testing purposes.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Subhunt

Here is another Fenix engine port of a game called Subhunt.  I cannot find any download links for this game however i'm sure if you use Google you'll be able to find a site I won't be linking here. 

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: World Chapas Championship

Here comes yet again another Fenix engine port of a game called World Chapas Championship.  This is a slightly odd game where you have to guide a pop cap down what looks like a dirt tunnel.

Download available at:

ISO Make available at:

Dreamcast SD Adapter Compatible: Space Dodger

Space Dodger was released in 2005 by Pineapple Soft.  I believe this is another game using the Fenix engine.  If I can remember I knocked this game when it got released and I think that offended the developer.  However if he ever sees this I would like to send my apologies.  I'm not a big fan of Fenix games but this game seems to at least try and is more playable then the others.  

Pineapple Soft's archived site with dead links: now contains download links to this game: