Friday, October 24, 2014

Ford Racing 3 Hi-Res Hack (Steam)

Well its not really a hack there is a configuration file for getting Ford Racing 3 to play in higher resolutions.  Of course though in order to do this you need Administrator access for setting it up and of course you need Administrator Access to play the game as well.  But with Administrator access active it destroys access to the Steam GUI.  Of course there is some minor warnings you'll have to watch out for and that is the HUD breaks in higher resolutions it was meant to be played in 640x480 so I suppose the game hates anything higher then it.  Who cares though cause in this game you won't really need to be looking at the HUD.  I do wish there was a way to turn the HUD off but there is no option for it.

Alright so first step is locating your Ford Racing 3 folder.  So locate where you have Steam installed then open the Steam folder, locate Steam Apps, then common, then you'll see Ford Racing 3.  Open Ford Racing 3 then go to CONFIG folder.

Next your going to want to right click on syscfg.exe and click "Run as Administrator".

When it opens go to the Display tab and select your default resolution the highest is always the best.

Next go to the Detail Level tab and checkmark everything in the left column and set model detail and visual range to high.

Alright now just press okay and were off to the next and final step.  This next step of course will be using Microsoft Compatibility Toolkit so that the game can open as it would normally without any Administrator action and you can use the Steam GUI as you normally would.  

So what your going to need to do is open Microsoft Compatibility Administrator (x32). Then right click on New Database(1) [Untitled_1]* and select *Create New then Application Fix.

Type the name of the program you'll be editing, so just use Ford Racing 3.  It asks for the vendor but you can just leave that blank.  Then your going to want to search for the fr3.exe file from the Steam folder.

Once you have opened the fr3.exe file in the first window your going to want to checkmark *Run as Invoker 

Then click next and checkmark *ForceDisplayMode

Then click next and press the *Auto Generate button and a bunch of stuff will load on the screen that is fine. 

Next your going to want to *Save it and it will ask for Database Name just type in Ford Racing 3. Next your going to want to type in a name and save it to a folder of course I would just save this to the Ford Racing 3 folder. 

Next your going to want to install the configuration.   So go to file at the upper left and then select install.  

Now after that close the program, open Steam and run the game.  If you did everything correctly your game should look exactly like the screenshots below.  Don't forget the HUD is broken but everything else looks better then it did in 640x480 resolution.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

PayDay The Heist Free for 24hrs (STEAM)

Grab it quickly folks cause PayDay The Heist is available for free for 24hrs.  Check it out and if you like it grab PayDay 2 which is 75% off right now.

PayDay The Heist:
PayDay 2:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DCeric Show - DCeric's How to... Install the Homebrew Channel (Wii)


This is my very first Bustershot Games Exclusive video.  I thought there could be nothing better then doing a video on how to install The Homebrew Channel on the Wii. So here it folks an easy method of getting The Homebrew Channel on the Wii.  In future videos i'll show you some homebrew and how to install some games.

(UPDATE) I didn't hear this up until now but apparently you can use the same method on the Wii-U when using the Wii mode.  I can't confirm this so I am not sure but take this into your own hands.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Jim Power, Steam Greenlight (PC)

Jim Power was a popular action platformer released for Super Nintendo and PC back in the early 90's.  The game was being developed for the Sega Genesis however it never seen the light of day.  Somebody found a beta of the game that wasn't fully completed and it has been leaked to the web.  Only containing one playable song by Chris Hulsbeck and the game is able to be completed however it may contain bugs that might cause issues that enable you to do so.

Well its the year 2014 and Piko Interactive has some news for you.  They want to re-release Jim Power for a variety of systems.  The systems include Genesis, NES and even Steam for PC.  Also you'll be able to hear Chris Hulsbeck's full track catalog from the SNES version.  This game is right now on Greenlight for Steam which needs it votes before being released so click the link below to help get this game released on Steam.  Check out the awesome trailer for the game below

Jim Power, Steam Greenlight

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Meet The Genx Cardtroller : Bluetooth Game controller

Well somebody has done the impossible and I think this is bloody amazing never heard of anything like this before.  Okay so I guess you want to know what it is.  Well believe it or not its a cardtroller. If of course you still don't understand its a controller that looks like a credit card.  The cardtroller connects via Bluetooth connection.  The controller is compatible with Tablets, Mobile, and computers.

Of course the cardtroller has other features which include 64gb flash memory to put your games on so when your on the go your ready to go.  You can use a Micro USB cable to charge it up however I'm unsure if you can use it for a direct connection rather then using Bluetooth. Of course right now this is on Indiegogo so the creator needs some of your cash to mass produce it.  Lets make this happen visit the following link to make your pledge.

Cardtroller Indiegogo:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dreamcast Poker Unreleased Homebrew (DC)

While searching on Google I came across a game called Dreamcast Poker.  Unfortunately the game didn't get passed alpha and was only available on Windows.  I opened the Poker.exe that is available on the site it looks like you couldn't even play a game it just shows a demo of what could have been I guess.  Kind of odd considering it was going to be a Dreamcast release unless it was going to be some sort of Terminal game.

The developer states in a readme file from the dcpoker-0.0.1.tar file

"(Matt Pruitt) This is the first realease of Dreamcast poker.  It doesn't actually run
on the dreamcast yet.  It's basically just going through a check to rate
the players hand.  It only checks player1's hand at this time, but it can
easily check all the other players hands."

I don't think you'll be hearing anything about this game considering the files were released in 2005 so I supposed the developer decided to drop this project.

Well if you want to check out the game you can get it at the link below however there is nothing playable.

Dreamcast Poker:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

World Gone Sour, Windows x64 fix (PC)

Well here is another game that needs to be fixed and I know it seems quite odd cause World Gone Sour was recently released in 2011.  Well even though some games will make you think they will work cause they were recently released there is a problem and that is that most games are x32.  The problem with some x32 bit games is they recommend you to manually disable multicores in order for the game to work cause if you didn't know already x32 works best with one core processors.

With all that being said World Gone Sour is one of those games that needs you to manually disable your cores.  So what you want to do is open the game and alt+tab out of your game.  Then press shift+esc and that will open Task Manager.  Then find the "Sour_ShippingWin32.exe" task and right click on it.

Then go to affinity and disable the last 5 cores only leaving the first.  Now you may have a Dual Core, Quad Core or Eight Core so for you guys you'll have to do the same just leave the first core enabled and disable the rest.

(UPDATE) You may also want to right click on the game in task manager again and go to Priority and select high.  This may make the game run faster.

There you go World Gone Sour is now fixed and the game shouldn't freeze and you should be able to beat the game.  Now I understand this game can be pretty cheap anywhere from 1 dollar to 5 dollars but I know that other games for that price are more playable then World Gone Sour.  The funny part of this is you wouldn't expect this from the publisher Capcom and I don't believe you'll get the support needed to fix the game so this is all you have.

You can get the game at this link:

(UPDATE): There is another easy method of setting it up so you don't have to keep opening taskmanager to set it manually.  You need to make a shortcut and right click on the shortcut and go to properties.  Once the properties has loaded paste the following text into the target.  Don't forget though you will probably have to change the location depending on where you have installed it.  For example I have mine installed on the D: drive so that is displayed below in the red.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C START "World Gone Sour" /high /affinity 1 "D:\Program Files (x86)\World Gone Sour\Win32\Sour_ShippingWin32.exe"